Public Service Announcements
I really enjoyed watching the two videos for the PSA assignment this week. I appreciated that they were short but powerful and really delivered a strong message. I was chosen to give my thoughts and reflection from the teacher role and have included my thoughts below:
Video One: I thought that this PSA was executed very well and really delivered a strong message for the future. I appreciate that the young girl starring in the video was brave enough to share her essay even though other children were laughing at her and her teacher was clearly questioning her thoughts. I noticed that this video was published in 2013, and as I think back to that year, 4 years ago, I can't help but be bothered that the members of the classroom were allowed to laugh, jeer, and make fun of the poor girl. In my classroom, I try very hard to build and support a culture where students are able to openly share their thoughts, no matter what, and be supported by all members of the class. I feel as though this didn't happen and it bothered me.
I felt that the main idea/point of the video was to make others aware that technology and how it impacts us is changing at a rapid rate. Things that were happening at the time of the video would soon be obsolete and the world would quickly be adapting to new ways of life, including watching videos on a phone and using headphones/earbuds to listen to things. These are clearly things that no one has thought of, because the message that the girl was trying to relay, fell on unbelieving ears. Audience wise, I felt that the video did a great job of addressing all viewers and audiences. Children can connect to the young girl, and adults can easily connect to the young girl and the the adults who are questioning her. I know that as a teacher, children say some interesting things and have some interesting predictions, and you have to walk a very fine line when supporting students and their imaginative thoughts.
I thought that the methods used to create this video were appropriate. I appreciated the idea and message of childrens insight having an impact on the future. I also thought that the international concept was a great idea too. The video production, background music choice, and length of the video were all perfect. It was engaging, not too long, and sent a strong message to viewers. I also appreciated the empowering message behind the video concept. I will be sharing this with my students this week.
Video Two: I enjoyed watching the second PSA video for this week's assignment, but will say that I didnt enjoy it nearly as much. I thought that the use of illustrations was not nearly as impactful as the previous video from this week. I found the content to be appropriate, but thought that it could have been delivered in a much better way.
I thought that the audience for this video would definitely be older students to adults. The moving words are at times tough to follow, which would make it tough for an emergent/beginning reader to read and comprehend what is being said. Unlike a video where students can listen and follow along, the words and reading piece make it tough for younger minds to follow along. The main idea that this video was trying to make is that the internet is changing things at a rapid pace and thinking and understanding is being altered because of it.
I agree with the point that they are trying to make, I just think that as an educator, you want a tool that will help you reach all learners and ensure their understanding of the content. When we look at the methods used to make this video, I really think that its impact on people begins with their age. Adults, teenagers, and middle school students would all be impacted by this message. Younger minds would just end up confused and bored. I would not show this video to my first grade students because it wouldn't benefit their way of thinking or outcomes when thinking of the internet and its impact on us.